Waste is one of the leading problems of our time – increasing waste volumes, increasing severity of impact and costs of waste management and the challenge of managing waste in developing countries and emerging markets are causing a dramatic shift in waste management practices within Canada and world-wide. Countries around the globe are moving towards a circular economy and waste must be dealt with in new, innovative ways rather than simply sending it to landfill. As legislation is slowly evolving around the world, the outcome is to make producers responsible for their waste management. Failure to act in managing waste has economic, environmental, social as well as health and safety implications, including toxic discharge leading to pollution, increased greenhouse gas emissions, increased frequency of illnesses, and the loss of valuable resources.
Program Learning Outcomes
- Identify, quantify, verify and coordinate waste to comply with legislative requirements for waste management services, systems and facilities
- Plan, design, implement and advance waste management projects following legislative requirements, standard procedures and best practices
- Utilize the principles of the circular economy, investigate the life cycle of consumable products and packaging to minimize waste, and encourage product reuse and recycling
- Research produce and present reports to engage stakeholders in discussions to address waste management
- Choose financial methods and procedures to substantiate costs and solicit support for environmental compliance and waste management initiatives
- Educate and inform target groups and audiences in waste diversion and management using appropriate strategies and techniques
- Collect, classify and preserve field samples using air, water and soil quality testing equipment
Instructional Activities, Design and Delivery Mode
The program consists of ten 45-hour courses at the certificate level, and a Capstone Project. Upon successful completion of ten additional 45-hour courses at the diploma level, graduates are awarded our College Diploma.
Evaluation of Student Learning
Evaluation of student learning is based on completion of course assignments or projects. Due dates and criteria for successful completion of each course assignment will be outlined by the instructor at the beginning of each course.
Courses and Outlines
Course Name | Course Code | Course Level | Course ID | Course Credits | Course Outline |
Solid Waste Management | REWM-SWM | 1 | REWM-SWM-001 | 3 | The course is designed to give a holistic introduction to the handling of wastes and byproducts: 1) Introduction to the solid waste sector: Solid waste policy, and types and amounts of wastes. 2) Solid waste treatment and management: The technical design of waste systems; source separation; waste collection and transport; landfilling; incineration; biochemical conversion methods; excursion to solid waste treatment and recycling facilities. 3) Materials recycling from waste: Background, system design, and examples (WEEE, C&D waste, plastic wastes, paper wastes). 4) Other issues: Sewage sludge, hazardous wastes. |
Environmental Law & Regulations | REWM-ELR | 1 | REWM-ELR-001 | 3 | In this course students will develop skills and practical knowledge to locate and apply various environmental laws and applicable regulations including: Environmental Protection Act, the Waste Act, The Planning Act, and other related and new legislation as it becomes law. Students will understand the role of municipalities, the provinces and federal governments as they relate to waste management legislation in Canada. Students will develop a practical understanding of environmental laws and the ability to apply the legislation while developing waste management plans and practices. The governing legislation, regulatory practices, compliance, enforcement, and auditing are major topics in this course. International waste management legislation will also be explored. |
Waste Avoidance & Recycling | REWM-WAR | 1 | REWM-WAR-001 | 3 | This course integrates waste principles, concepts, and technologies and demonstrates how they can be implemented in practice enabling students to be able to evaluate the economics of waste reduction, recycling and recovery. Key concepts within waste management such as the primark effect, circular versus a linear economy, and resource efficiency are addressed together with links between waste production and GDP. Students are introduced to a variety of waste treatment methodologies in keeping with the EU waste hierarchy, and have the opportunity to analyse each methodology in terms of the three pillars of sustainability. |
Biological Waste Treatment | REWM-BWT | 1 | REWM-BWT-001 | 3 | This course provides an overview of current issues, new and emerging technologies and processes, their pros and cons as well as factors influencing the decision making process. Topics covered include characteristics of organic waste, source separation and legislative and regulatory barriers and related solutions. Students will learn how to identify and evaluate organic best practices and learn about the mechanics behind business models and economics. This course discusses a circular strategy for organics and the paradox between edible food waste and hunger. Compostable and bio packaging products and related issues will also be discussed. Students in this course will gain comprehensive insight of technologies and environmental, technical, economic and legislative challenges in the organic recycling sector. |
Thermal Waste Treatment | REWM-TWT | 1 | REWM-TWT-001 | 3 | Flow diagram of waste processing; basic regulations for thermal treatment and disposal. 2.) Combustion parameters of wastes: physical state (solid, liquid, gaseous), particle composition, density, moisture and ash content; chemical composition (C, H. N, S, Cl), calorific value. 3.) Calculation of combustion parameters: the chemical reactions of combustion, minimum oxigen and air requirement of fules, optimal air excess necessary for complete combustion. 4.) Gaseous wastes, normal burning velocity of fuels, flame velocity, flammability and explosion limits, operating conditions for safe combustion; methods for flame stabilization. 5.) Flame and flue gas characteristics: specific volume, chemical composition, specific heat capacity; combustion temperature (theoretical and actual), dissociation and adiabatic flame temperature (definition, calculation methods); methods for increasing/reducing combustion temperature. 6.) Technical parameters of waste incineration, auto-ignition range; grid types and grid structures, combustion chamber geometry, the construction of refractory walls (design and structure). 7.) Hazardous waste disposal (by incineration), required minimum incineration temperature, the thermal treatment of halogenated waste, present-day waste incinerators, determination of post-combustion chamber (afterburners). 8.) Characterization of solid combustion residues: physical-chemical properties, mineral composition, thermal behaviour, sintering and ash fusion characteristics, melting temperature. Treatment and disposal of slags and fly ash. 9.) Burners: classification, geometry, sizing, fuel injection by spray nozzles (oil burners). 10.) Air pollution control: regulatory measures and provisions for waste incineration; possible allowed emission and immission concentrations (EU target values). 11.) Gaseous pollutants: CO, radicals, sulphur oxides, NOx formation (conditions, intensity), primary reduction methods, determination of gas emission concentrations. 12.) Characterization of gaseous pollutants; options for secondary emission reduction; flue gas cleaning methods and equipment. 13.) Definition of dust (for environmental regulations), properties of particulate matter (PM), separation and collection mechanisms, design and operation of dust collection systems (separators). |
Introduction to Economics & Waste Life Cycle | REWM-IEW | 1 | REWM-IEW-001 | 3 | Economics is the study of how individuals, governments, businesses and other organizations make choices that effect the allocation and distribution of scarce resources. This course examines how individuals trade with one another, to how prices are affected by the supply and demand of goods. Also studied are the efficiency and costs associated with producing goods and services, how labour is divided and allocated, as well as uncertainty, risk, and strategic game theory. Students will also study the overall aggregate economy. This can include a distinct geographical region, a country or even the whole world. Topics studied include government fiscal and monetary policy, unemployment rates, growth as reflected by changes in the gross domestic product, and business cycles that result in expansion, booms, recessions and depressions. This course builds students’ technical competencies in life cycle assessment (LCA) and critical analysis of products’ environmental impacts through an understanding of life cycle management. Course content covers the ISO life-cycle assessment framework, how to conduct technical LCA (including applying quantitative approaches using LCA software and databases, as available and appropriate), challenges of application of LCA to a range of product systems, limitations of LCA, and product life cycle management concepts for business and policy decisions. Students will use the knowledge gained to conduct their own technical LCA or to provide guidance on how to conduct a product LCA for business or policy applications such as ecodesign, benchmarking, eco-labeling and environmental product declarations. |
Environmental Toxicology | REWM-ETO | 1 | REWM-ETO-001 | 3 | Fundamental concepts relating to the adverse effects of chemical agents. Topics covered include dose-response relationships, absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, mechanisms of toxicity, and the effects of selected environmental toxicants on various organ systems. Characterization and assessment of risks are also covered. |
Contaminated Site Management | REWM-CSM | 1 | REWM-CSM-001 | 3 | Course Description: The course aims to enable registered students to identify soil and groundwater contamination issues, to train them in contaminated site investigation, remediation design and implementation. The students shall be able to understand the main elements of contaminated land management tools e.g. problem formulation, risk based target value setting and risk assesment, site investigation, hydrodynamic and contaminant transport modeling, remediation action, and monitoring. The short curriculum of the subject: Setting the stage, context of contaminated site remediation Historical overview of site remediation The process of site remediation Site Investigation on contaminated land Type and behaviour of contaminants in the subsurface environment Behaviour of contaminants in groundwater Chemistry of site investigation; Threshold value systems and their role in remediation Quantitative risk assessment and site specific, risk based remediation; Remediation methods and aspects of their selection; Remediation without excavation; Remediation with soil excavation Hydrauliy protective measures; Isolation from the environment; Monitoring activities Legal framework Risk Assessment and its role in remediation Case studies |
Waste Management Standards & Accountability | REWM-WMS | 1 | REWM-WMS-001 | 3 | The principles and fundamentals of completing a variety of environmental audits will be examined in this course. You will be exposed to the steps involved in completing current environmental audits for industry, institutions and commercial enterprises. Students will be provided with the opportunity to complete audits in a real world application in keeping with industry standards(for example ISO 14000), conduct an on-site waste reduction/recycling assessment for businesses applying principles of sustainability, climate change, and recycling/municipal solid waste (MSW) management practices. |
Introduction to Waste Management Systems | REWM-IWM | 1 | REWM-IWM-001 | 3 | This course is designed to provide an understanding of current waste management practices provincially and nationally. Topics include waste collection and the design and operation of: materials recovery facilities (MRFs), recycling and hazardous waste centers, and landfills. Instruction also discusses planning and evaluating the technical and economic feasibility of proposed projects involving an integrated waste management approach. Landfill site selection, development of waste management system applications, site closure, and post-operational uses will also be discussed. This course will include field trips to local solid waste management and/or recycling facilities. Course materials also cover health and safety aspects of facility operations. Learn about current waste management systems; types, characteristics and sources of waste; technologies for waste treatment and disposal; and the development of waste reduction plans. This course will focus on practical applications, government regulations and best practices related to: storage, collection and waste transfer; reduction, recovery and recycling; biological conversion; and energy recovery. You will learn how to: develop operating and management strategies; create waste minimization plans; apply auditing techniques and recognize issues related to risk and liability. |
Waste Logistics & Collection Operations | REWM-WLC | 2 | REWM-WLC-002 | 3 | This course serve as an introduction to the basics of collecting municipal solid waste and integrated solid waste management. Course objectives are to identify components of the waste stream, understand the various options for recovery and disposal of waste, identify proven methods and equipment for the collection of municipal solid waste, understand the importance of safe operation in every day collections; and answer customer questions and concerns in a positive manner. |
Managing Recycling Systems | REWM-MRS | 2 | REWM-MRS-002 | 3 | This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of waste reduction, recycling, and solid waste management. Topics include solid waste characterization/designing a characterization study; overview of the solid waste/recycling infrastructure and the recycling/waste management state/federal regulatory framework; recycled materials specifications and recycling markets; principles of integrated waste management approach; conducting an on-site waste reduction/recycling assessment for businesses; interface of sustainability, climate change, and recycling/municipal solid waste (MSW) management; basic environmental metrics for waste reduction and recycling; recycling/waste management aspects of life cycle analysis; greenhouse gas/carbon footprint of recycling and waste management practices; basics of landfill design, operations, and closure/post-closure maintenance; recycling/MSW management technologies; conversion/alternative technology and renewable energy; basic principles of recycling/MSW processing facility design; local government waste reduction and recycling programs; and an overview of environmental law, including coverage of specific cases. Topics are covered within the overall context of life cycle analysis and environmental sustainability/climate change, and provides a working knowledge for those interested in pursing a career in environmental sustainability and recycling/solid waste management. Includes field trips to local solid waste management and/or recycling facilities |
Emerging Waste Management Systems | REWM-EWM | 2 | REWM-EWM-002 | 3 | This course provides an overview of new and emerging waste management technologies, including regulations, environmental considerations and potential markets. Emerging concepts such as circular economy, product stewardship, urban mining, greenhouse gas reduction and crade2cradle will also be discussed. Students will learn about new and emerging waste issues, their environmental and social implications and potential solutions. This course will also examine regional waste generation, global waste challenges, connection to greenhouse gas emissions and sustainability, development drivers in waste management and waste management in emerging markets. |
Water and Wastewater Management | REWM-WAS | 2 | REWM-WAS-002 | 3 | The students will be familiar with the basic concepts, tasks and purposes of water quality protection. The students will also learn about the contamination transport processes in surface water as well as in groundwater. The students will be prepared to assess and solve different water quality and contamination problems. The students will learn about the different tasks given by the European Water Framework in order to achieve the good status of water resources. Water as an environmental agent. General tasks and objectives of water quality protection. Water chemistry. Qualification of water samples. Transport processes in water. Vulnerability methods concerning groundwater resources. Remediation methods in case of different contaminations. Water quality models. Current quality status of national water resources. Water quality balance calculations. Natural water purification methods. Practical work: self-made solutions of simple case-study problems. |
Monitoring in Waste Management | REWM-MWM | 2 | REWM-MWM-002 | 3 | This course examines the principles, methodologies and strategies employed as part environmental sampling programs commonly associated with the waste management industry. Students will learn the various types of environmental sampling procedures and monitoring equipment used to collect representative environmental data to assess environmental quality and interpret results. The course will also emphasize the importance of environmental sampling program quality control including, data documentation, field instrumentation calibration procedures and sample handling techniques. |
Hazardous Materials Waste Management | REWM-HMW | 2 | REWM-HMW-002 | 3 | Much industrial waste is classified as hazardous materials. Students will be introduced to toxicology, monitoring, chemistry, site characterization, safety plans, sampling, spill, control and emergency response. Emphasis is placed on Hazardous Material systems in Ontario. Transportation of Dangerous Goods and OSHA regulations and other applicable legislation will be discussed. Students will receive Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) and Environment Canada Reg. 347/558 Certificates upon completion of this course in addition to a course grade. This course is designed to enable students to recognize and understand environmental regulations and management strategies involved with handling and movement of hazardous wastes. Proper procedures for the safe storage of hazardous materials will also be reviewed. Processes involved in the proper identification, classification and manifesting of hazardous materials will also be covered in depth. Finally, aspects surrounding the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and other Health and Safety considerations will conclude the content of the course. |
Recycling of Metallic and Rubber Wastes | REWM-RMR | 2 | REWM-RMR-002 | 3 | Understand the importance of metallic and rubber waste management for recovery of structural materials. Get acquainted with metallic and rubber waste material flows, compositions, and the possible recycling technologies. Thematic description of subject: Technologies of processing and utilization of metal and rubber containing wastes. Main groups of introduced wastes: electronic wastes, end of life vehicle wastes, slugs. Mechanical, chemical and thermal processes of preparation. Knowledge of quality related to products. |
Treatment and processing of construction industrial- and glass wastes | REWM-TSM | 2 | REWM-TSM-002 | 3 | The aim of the subject for students is to learn knowledge about the treatment and processing of construction industrial- and glass wastes. Construction industry wastes types, their generation. Their fundamental process engineering and chemical properties, international experience of their utilization in the road construction. Process engineering technologies. General utilization possibilities. Main types, properties, generation of glass wastes. Types, composition and properties of glass, with special regards to the process engineering, mechanical and chemical characteristics. Utilization. Preparation technologies. Recovery of valuable components. Mechanical and thermal processes. Quality control methods. |
Recycling of Plastic and Paper Wastes | REWM-RPP | 2 | REWM-RPP-002 | 3 | The aim of the subject for students is to learn knowledge about paper and plastics as material, their properties and their production methods and technologies, and their utilisation as secondary raw material. Also, to learn paper and plastic appearance in different waste streams, and their recycling goth technologies and unit operation level. Paper and plastic production. Properties of plastics, their production and utilisation. Waste streams and major apparence of paper and plastic in these waste streams, quality and quantity. Properties of paper and plastics focusing the properties relevant to their recycling and separation. Technical solution of paper recycling. technical solution of plastic recycling, equipment and unit operation in paper and plastic recycling, energetic and as secondary raw material utilisation of plastics and paper. |
Design fundaments of waste preparation technological processes | REWM-DFW | 2 | REWM-DFW-002 | 3 | Fundamental terms and application fields of unit operations and process engineering. Production and consumption wastes. Characterization of coarse disperse systems. Characterization of waste materials in unit operations point of view. The unit operations and processes of changing of the disperse- and mixed state of multi-phase dispersed materials. The acting forces during the change of the state of the processed dispersed materials. The characterization and evaluation of comminution and agglomeration technological processes. Features of the change of the particle size and volume, rate of comminution and the breakage work. The material and energy transfer balances of material component separation technological processes. The unit operation features of the separation processes, evaluation of productivity (component content, yield and recovery, efficiency). Production of secondary raw materials and secondary fuels from municipal solid wastes (MSW). The comparison of different MSW processing technologies in respect of the material and energy balances. |
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Musanze, Northern, Rwanda
+250 780 608 164
+1 (506) 704-2888