- OUR MISSION is to make innovative technology, effective systems, and valuable experiences that make education relevant and equitable for all. PEA Atlantic College strives to offer affordable, quality, online educational programs to any competent student.
- OUR VISION is to be an education organization that ensures access to quality education for all, regardless of race, location, income, and access to technology. We will accomplish this by building a team of highly-trained educators, and developing effective educational technology, experiences and programs.
- OUR PHILOSOPHY is that a great education starts with the adults and that effective instruction is a product of how all educational resources interact and are orchestrated within a system. By including innovative tools and strategies that successful corporations use to increase the efficiency, effectiveness, and success of their offerings, we are addressing real factors that inhibit individuals from accessing quality education that is affordable and contextualized.
- OUR GOALS are:
1. To provide the opportunity for career-focused education to students from diverse backgrounds through:
- Utilizing the internet to provide distance education
- Offering programs at minimal costs
- Promoting programs in underserved regions all over the world
2. To offer quality programs that:
- Maintain high academic standards
- Focus on competencies and skills required for success in the global economy
- Are continually assessed and improved through regular outcome assessment and external reviews
- Promote a culture of shared learning through collaboration, interaction and peer-to-peer teaching and assessment
3. To provide students with services that contribute to the achievement of the desired learning outcomes by:
- Engaging in a constant process of continual improvement
- Utilizing technology and automation to improve service and accuracy
4. To ensure institutional financial stability and growth through:
- Maintaining highly efficient processes
- Developing a community of supporters[
- PEA Atlantic College takes reasonable care to provide the academic courses and facilities described here. However, courses may be altered or withdrawn at any time, and PEA Atlantic College shall not be liable in any manner if the academic courses and facilities described here, or any other PEA Atlantic College documents, are not offered during a semester or academic year.
- As an online institution, PEA Atlantic College has no academic buildings or dormitory facilities, nor can the College aid with student visas or other visa services. The administrative offices of PEA Atlantic College are in Sackville, New Brunswick in Canada. However, all instruction at the College, including its computerized teaching aids, takes place at PEA Atlantic College’s Online Campus.
- PEA Atlantic College exercises diligence to ensure that it provides clear and accurate information to all prospective and current students, the public and all other interested parties. The institution seeks to ensure that all recruitment and promotional materials, including its Academic Handbooks and website, as well as all public presentations about and on behalf of the College and its operations are as clear and accurate as possible. The college does not have a pending petition in bankruptcy, is not operating as a debtor in possession, has not filed a petition within the preceding five years, and has not had a petition in bankruptcy filed against it within the preceding five years that resulted in a reorganization.
Site Name | Address | City | Country | Telephone |
Workshed Africa | Nungua Link Baatsona, 47 Sprintex Road | Accra | Ghana | 233-303-969-845 |
CapitalSquare Ikoyi | 225B Ikorodu Crescent, Dolphine Estate 101233 | Lagos | Nigeria | 234-817-223-3775 |
ESG Business Suites | 9, 11 Fitt St S Woodbrook | Port of Spain | Trinidad & Tobago | 1-868-223-3488 |
Sensi Tech Innovation Hub | 67 Samuel Lewis Road, Aberdeen | Freetown | Sierra Leone | 232-79-36-4008 |
Nailab | 4th Floor, Bishop Magua Centre, Naong Rd | Nairobi | Kenya | 254-790-492-467 |
ActivSpaces | 1st Trust Building Top Left Floor, Great Soppo | Buea | Cameroon | 237-678-94-9241 |
Kilihub | Sangana Street, Majengo | Moshi | Tanzania | 255-655-426-125 |
The Company Cebu | Ground Floor, Building 4, JDN Square, P.Remedio St, Mandaue City, 6014 | Cebu | Philippines | 63-995-104-0499 |
Greenpoint Coworking | Unit 327, Foyer A, Sovereign Quay, 40 Somerset Road, Green Point, | Cape Town | South Africa | 27-72-724-7409 |
64 Main St Sackville NB E4L4A7 Canada
Grand Forks, ND 58202 USA
+1 (506) 704-2888